Saturday, June 16, 2012


I am coming to the end of my 6th week and I have approach my halfway through my first trimester mark. The fatigue isn't any better, but thank goodness my afternoon/evening sickness is. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do sickness very well. I have just been extremely tired and my body is wearing out more easily. I have a million things running through my mind at this moment and it's only adding to how exhausted I am. We are struggling with the decision to get rid of Tucker. I know he's just a puppy, but he's a big puppy and he's crazy hyper all the time. He is getting to where he likes to jump on my stomach and push off. Not a good thing when you are carrying a baby in there. We most likely won't get rid of him, but we are going to have to get him an outside pen build pronto. We are starting to have to figure out finances, but we have a plan to start out with and hopefully it'll stick and help us out a lot when the baby gets here. Again, anyone who knows me knows that I don't wait until the last minute to do anything. I like plans. I like to have things in order so I don't have to stress at the last minute. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families on both sides to support us through this journey. We also have great friends as well. I couldn't have asked for this to happen any differently. For myself, I am glad that I was able to get married and spend quality time with just Tyler and I before we decided to bring a baby into our lives. God granted me the patience to wait. I am blessed to have Tyler's support through this and everything that we have been through together. I am excited to start our little family and have more love than we could imagine in one house.

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