Monday, June 11, 2012

So far.. (wivestales)

I am at the end of Week 5 and I have been reading random things about how you can "tell" what your baby is going to be based on things you do and experience in your everyday life. I love wivestales. They have always been fun to me. Here are some pregnancy wivestales about determining the sex of the baby.

1. Is the baby's heartbeat above or below 140? Below

2. Do you crave sweet or salty? Salty

3. Do you have morning sickness? In the afternoon, but yes

4. Are you moody or happy? Moody

5. Is your skin soft or dry? Soft

6. Do you sleep on your right or left side? Left

7. Do you have more headaches? Yes

8. So far, have you been clumsy or graceful? Clumsy

Hey, I can deal with a boy. But we will have to see.

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