Saturday, October 13, 2012

A quick update...

I haven't posted in almost 2 months. A lot has happened since then. Obviously we found out we are having a boy!! We are so excited!! I don't think it's still really hit me yet that I am going to be a mom. All I keep thinking about is how my mom is about to be a grandma and my grandparents are about to be great grandparents. Maybe it won't hit me until I go into labor or get to bring him home. But I am super excited. I haven't had any of the typical fears that I hear about. I haven't let the horror stories get to me because my pregnancy has been different from what everyone tells me theirs was like. I try not to listen to the assumptions and biased statements. People still drive me crazy. I am having horrible midday energy crashes. I have to have chocolate or caramel every afternoon. I still can't drink milk past a certain point in the day. I am amazed at how active Jace is. He constantly moves and kicks me. I love the feeling. Tyler and my sister have been able to feel him as well. Mom hasn't been able to yet.

I'm still having a little bit of trouble with the thought of taking Jace to daycare. It's going to be a fear that I won't get rid of, I have a feeling. I want my baby with me all the time and to be able to cherish every moment of every day with him. I don't want to have to worry about what is going on with him during the day when I'm not there. Again, it's a fear that people won't understand unless they have gone through what Tyler and I have gone through...what Tyler has gone through. I am so happy for Tyler as well. He gets his "second chance." A chance to see a son of his grow up and to be able to enjoy life. Just to be able to get to that milestone of seeing him crawl and hearing him say "dada" and "I love you." He gets to experience all of the joys of parenthood now. He gets to see a piece of Carter in Jace.

It's going to be great!! 16 more weeks to go!! We are ready to meet you, Jace!!

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