I've posted about this before and I probably will a million times more before and after the baby is born. I think all moms and moms-to-be have pretty much the same fears. However, we have one fear that a lot of moms don't have in their book... the loss of child. I know that people don't tell me or Tyler this, but I am sure they "get tired" of hearing about Carter and the situation. But it's part of our lives. It will only be part of our past in certain aspects. There will always be the fear that something will happen in the blink of an eye with the new baby. Nobody will ever seem good enough for our baby expect for Tyler and I. And that is something that I also think that every mom thinks. There are times that you have no idea what to do, but you still know better than anyone else.
I absolutely hate the fact that we are going to have to put the baby in daycare, but I do have some comfort in the fact that it is going to the daycare that I worked at and grew to love for 18 months. I have been reassured that the baby will be very well taken care of there. I would hope that this is for every child, but I want to think that because of what we have gone through, it will be even more of a "your child will definetely be taken care of."
Do I have the fear that someone is going to shake our baby, toss our baby, purposefully hurt our baby? No. But there are other fears with the baby being around other people.
I have a lot of praying to do about all of my fears. I have a lot of talking with Tyler through all of this too. I have a lot to talk and pray about.
Bare with me... <3
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